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Policy statement of Checkline Europe

Version 02
Date 1 september 2019
Proces PO-01


1. Policy and Objectives.

The QHSE policy of CHECKLINE B.V. is aimed at striving for an optimum balance between the care for Quality, Health, Safety, Environment and profitable company.

By the QHSE policy, we aim to ensure providing services, which comply with the requirements and demands of the company’s clients.

CHECKLINE B.V. ensures that the safety, health and welfare of all its employees, sub-contractors and visitors are secured in the best possible way.

CHECKLINE B.V. meets the legislative requirements for safety, working conditions and environment.

CHECKLINE B.V. strives for continuous improvement of its performance in all QHSE aspects. In order to achieve this the following objectives and targets are formulated to improve the quality, reduction of significant QHSE-risks and environmental burden:


  • CHECKLINE B.V. will carry out the necessary quality controls to make sure that no production failures will occur.
  • CHECKLINE B.V. only uses subcontractors which are working according to legislative and CHECKLINE B.V. requirements for quality, health, safety and environment.
  • CHECKLINE B.V. considers the occurrence of any accidents unacceptable and strives for a zero accident level.
  • CHECKLINE B.V. considers it unacceptable for environmental incidents to take place and will implement reasonable measures to prevent environmental impact and thereby strive for zero incidents.

To meet with above mentioned policy CHECKLINE B.V. has setup a documented QHSE-manual which is reviewed on a yearly base.
Everyone in the organization is responsible for his or her own work in order to:

  • maintain and continuously improve the QHSE aspects of our services
  • take care of their own safety and that of others
  • minimize the environmental burden of their own activities as much as possible

Every employee and subcontractor is known in the above written policy and objectives.

M.J. Prieshof


Checkline Europe
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